Chapter 5-8 in the book the Art of Possibility by Zander further spells out how to really open ourselves to the possibilities. I like how the 5th rule shares that a leader doen't need a podium. It reminds me that we lead in all aspects of our lives; parents, educators, siblings, neighbor, friend etc... When we are courageous enough to take the.....then we truly lead from any chair. My favorite rule is Rule number 6, "Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously." I've always taken my life with intense purpose sometimes causing great stress. I've definitely been on a vibe to lighten up. In the text, it mentioned when lightening up it may lighten up those around me. Lightening things up is important as a wife, mother and educator.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the reading. Many educators seem unaware that their students watch them and decide with whether they are worthy of their trust from the moment they walk into the classroom. They don't just turn on when the teacher begins to "teach" but how they carry themselves, how teachers talk about and treat each other. So, yes, we lead every moment of every day.
ReplyDeleteI too found, and find, that rule number 6 is so very important in every aspect of our lives. I think that seriousness happens naturally, and that there is oftentimes no need to artificially manufacture a heightened sense of "intensity", even though society and culture sometimes dictates that we do. You are a wife, mother and educator; your life circumstances create all the intensity and seriousness you could ever need, not to mention you're trying to successfully complete a Master's program. Sometimes we worry so much about the end, we forget to enjoy the process; I know I do.
Kwasida, I also liked the 5th rule about leading from any chair and that leaders do not need a podium. We do lead from all aspects of our lives and not always from the front. The position I found difficult leading from was at the start of my CBR and sitting back to let my students take the lead on the challenge.
ReplyDeleteI also liked rule number 6 and there are times that I need to lighten up. I plan to apply this rule to my life on a daily bases.