Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 3: Leadership

Doing a conference presentation is the most effective way to show early learning teachers great examples of digital stories. It’s also a great opportunity to generate a discussion on the best strategies to integrate digital stories/technology into the early learning environment.

One of the conferences I plan to apply to is the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) conference. The Southern Early Childhood Early Childhood education Association is an organization for teachers, administrators and caregivers of children from preschool to early childhood education. Their focus is on “improving the quality of care and education for young children and their families through advocacy and professional development. The association and annual conference includes early childhood education associations from Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Presenting at the conference would be an excellent opportunity to share with southern state educators my knowledge, expertise and experience with early learning digital storytelling. The other organization where I’ll submit an application to present will be the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Presenting at this conference is an excellent opportunity to share my digital storytelling knowledge on a national scale.

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