Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 4: Reading - The Art of Possibility


The last couple of chapters of the Zander's the Art of Possibility were empowering. The following were my take- a ways from practices 9-12.

-It's important to not about forcing, tricking or quilt-tripping someone into doing things your way. Enrollment is about helping to generate a spark of possibility for others to share.

- "Rename yourself as the board on which the whole games are being played. You move the problematic aspect of any circumstance form the outside world inspire the boundaries of yourself. With this act you can transform the world."

-  "Invent and sustain frameworks that bring possibility. It is about restricting meanings. Creating visions, and establishing environments where possibility is spoken-where the buoyant force of possibility overcomes the pull of the downward spiral."

-"Tell the WE story-the story of the unseen threads that connects us all, the story of possibility."


  1. I too really liked his idea that empowering others, lighting their spark is key. His realization that as a conductor, his real job is only to help others do their best. His story about Cora and fostering relationships rather than power, and being humble enough to admit when we are wrong, were particularly personal and revealing moments.
    I will read this book a second time.

  2. Kwasida,

    I rather like the no-nonsense way you listed your take aways from this weeks reading. You condense your thoughts into a succinct but meaningful segements.

    I too appreciated the idea of enrollment being about generating a spark of possibility. I think the world in general would benefit if people took this approach more often.

    I think many of us also appreciated the idea of the "WE" story. The idea that we're all connected is a powerful statement and idea.

    It's reassuring to see others take heart to these statements and ideas and feel powefully about taking them to another level. I have hope for our future!

  3. Kwasida - I think this book has your name written all over it! Your energy and enthusiasm would so perfectly fit into the themes and philosophies of the book, I'm glad you are taking a lot of great bullets away from the reading.

    I really enjoyed the chapter on enrollment and loved the stories the authors shared about reframing how we interact with people - the difference between asking for change and asking for 2 quarters - because I think sometimes we get so lost in the technicalities of 'formal' ways of interacting that we can't solve simple problems together. So I really agree with your comments and takeaways. Nice job.

  4. Kwasida, I think you and I ended up with similar take-aways several times. Enrollment and generating that spark in others is so applicable in teaching, but can also be applied to any aspect of life. As teachers, it's really not about us. Everything we do is about helping our students succeed.

  5. Good summary/overview of the reading.
